QuickBooks 2015 Compatibility Announced & Other Updates
Beginning Monday 9/22/2014, QuickBooks Pro/Premier 2015 and Enterprise 15.0 compatibility will be available to download and as update for current customers and built into the software for new customers and/or trial users.
In addition to the QuickBooks compatibility updates, we have also provided the following program updates and/or enhancements.
Looking for information about what's new in QuickBooks 2015? Visit our blog for more information.
All Programs:
If you have not updated your software since April 1, 2014; we have a new digital certificate and you will need to grant our software permission to access your QuickBooks data file. To do this you MUST be logged into QuickBooks in single-user mode as the QuickBooks administrator.
- From the QuickBooks Edit menu --> choose Preferences --> scroll to and select Integrated Applications --> click on the Company Preferences tab --> remove each instance of Certified Payroll Solution, Construction Application for Payment Solutions, Crew/Overtime Entry Solution and/or Wage Manager Solution individually.
- Install the compatibility updates for our software -- follow program specific instructions below.
**As always, I do NOT recommend updating to the newest version of QuickBooks until AFTER your have run your W-2's for the current year in January.**
Certified Payroll Solution Updates & Enhancements:
- QuickBooks Pro/Premier 2015 and Enterprise 15.0 compatibility
- New Web Service Center and delivery method for software updates. Updates will now be accomplished by simply downloading a new version of the program and installing it right over the existing version. See instructions for obtaining this update below.
- Initial phase out of Microsoft Excel 2003 and prior. While our software currently works with these older versions, Microsoft no longer provides support for them. While things may work today - they may NOT work tomorrow - and there will be NOTHING that we can do about it! So upgrade your version of Office.
- Initial implementation of Microsoft Excel 2007, 2010, and 2013 being natively supported by default.
- Minor EEOC Reporting bugs have been addressed.
- Revised/Updated the Illinois DOT EEO Report.
- Revised the 1392 Mixed Race EEOC Report.
- Revision to the Maryland DLLR Upload file to better handle the reporting of bona-fide plan payments in conjunction with a cash fringe amount.
- Revised the City of Kansas City Daily Report.
- Addition of new fields to comply with a new LCPtracker upload format.
- Compatibility for MnDOT AASHTO Trns*port Payroll Spreadsheet for electronic upload - released July 2, 2014, for more details - click here - http://www.sunburstsoftwaresolutions.com/mndot-aashto-compatibility.htm
Download the CPS compatibility update for QuickBooks 2015:
- From the CPS Help menu --> choose Check for Updates --> click ok at the window displaying the message that our old update procedure has been discontinued --> a web page will display --> click the Download Current CPS Setup/Installation button --> choose to Save or Run the file --> follow the prompts --> enter the Administrator password for this computer --> click the finish button. Your software has just been updated!
AFTER the software update has been installed:
- With QuickBooks open in Single User mode with you logged in under the Administrator account, minimize QuickBooks and start Certified Payroll Solution. Go to the System Setup menu --> choose System Preferences --> click on the Data Locations tab. Clear/delete the contents of the 2nd field/box from the top of the window and then click the Test QB Connection button. Click Ok
- Run CPS as usual (Run --> Certified Payroll -> verify dates--> click Next. QuickBooks will display an Application Certificate window, we recommend that you select the LAST option "Yes, always; allow access even if QuickBooks is not running" and to select a "User" with sufficient permission to acess information. Click the Continue and then the Done button. You are back in business.
Construction Application for Payment Solution Updates & Enhancements:
- QuickBooks Pro/Premier 2015 and Enterprise 15.0 compatibility.
- New Web Service Center and delivery method for software updates. Updates will now be accomplished by simply downloading a new version of the program and installing it right over your existing version. See instructions for obtaining this update below.
- Initial phase out of Microsoft Excel 2003 and prior. While our software currently works with these older versions, Microsoft no longer provides support for them. While things MAY work today - they may NOT work tomorrow - and there will be NOTHING that we can do about it! So upgrade your version of Office.
- Initial implementation of Microsoft Excel 2007, 2010 and 2013 being natively supported by default.
- Added the ability to mark jobs as finished from the CAPS Edit menu --> Jobs --> select a job that is completed -> click Edit --> click into the "Finished" checkbox in the lower left corner of this window. Save your changes. From this point forward, CAPS will automatically flag jobs as finished when a final retainage bill is created. You may also set all jobs as finished when the last invoice date is PRIOR to a date of your choosing; by going to the CAPS Help menu --> Repair --> Finished Jobs and enter a date in the field displayed.
Download the CAPS compatibility update for QuickBooks 2015:
- From the CAPS Help menu --> choose Check for Updates --> click ok at the window displaying the message that our old update procedure has been discontinued --> a web page will display --> click the Download Current CAPS Setup/Installation button --> choose to Save or Run the file --> follow the prompts --> enter the Administrator password for this computer --> click the finish button. Your software has just been updated!
AFTER the software update has been installed:
- With QuickBooks open in Single User mode with you logged in under the Administrator account, minimize QuickBooks and start Construction Application for Payment Solution. Go to the System Setup menu --> choose Data Locations. Clear/delete the contents of the 2nd field/box from the top of the window and then click the Test QB Connection button. Click Ok
- Run CAPS as usual (File --> Application for Payment -> verify dates/invoice numbers or choose the Get Invoices modified Today option --> click Next. QuickBooks will display an Application Certificate window, we recommend that you select the LAST option "Yes, always; allow access even if QuickBooks is not running" and to select a "User" with sufficient permission to acess information. Click the Continue and then the Done button. You are back in business.
Crew Overtime Entry Solution Updates & Enhancements
- QuickBooks Pro/Premier 2015 and Enterprise 15.0 Compatibility
- Added a reminder within the program to update and/or create a holiday schedule for the upcoming year.
Download the COES compatibility update for QuickBooks 2015:
- Start COES --> click the Overtime Setup button --> click the Licensing option in the left menu --> click on the link in the middle of this window where is says "Click here to download a new installation/updated program" --> follow the instructions on the pop up window --> a web page will display --> Keep the web page open but minimized - go to Control Panel -> Programs & Features and uninstall the current COES program. When the progam has finished it's uninstall routine, maximize the web page --> click the Download Current COES Setup/Installation button --> choose to Save or Run the file --> follow the prompts --> enter the Administrator password for this computer --> click the finish button. Your software has just been updated!
AFTER the software update has been installed:
- With QuickBooks open in Single User mode with you logged in under the Administrator account, minimize QuickBooks and start Crew/Overtime Entry. Click the Overtime Setup button --> click the QuickBooks setup option (left menu, last item) --> clear/delete the QuickBooks file location field/box --> click the Acquire date from QuickBooks for Setup & Preferences. Click Ok
- Run COES as usual (Double-click the icon to start the program --> verify dates are correct --> click Distribute All timesheets OR Select Specific Employees). QuickBooks will display an Application Certificate window, we recommend that you select the LAST option "Yes, always; allow access even if QuickBooks is not running" and to select a "User" with sufficient permission to acess information. Click the Continue and then the Done button. You are back in business.
Special Announcements:
- Compatibility with New Jersey Wage Hub CSV Upload
- New California DIR Website
- QuickBooks Desktop 2021 software will be discontinued
- Why We Aren't Compatible With QuickBooks Online
- Can I run your software on Right Networks?
- Compatibility for AASHTO Certified Payroll Upload for Connecticut DOT Released.
- Alaska Department of Labor-LLS Online Certified Payroll Update
- Nevada DOT AASHTO Certified Payroll Upload Available
- Upgraded to QuickBooks 2023/2024 and having issues?
- Resolution for problems with initial QuickBooks 2022 release